hey fam.
thanks for the emails and the pics. looks like you had a blast in DC!
seeing those pics made me remember of when i was there. that sure
was a fun trip. and thats super cool that you were able to go inside
the white house, and see Obama and go to that new martin luther site.
DC is a pretty legit place i´d say.
this week has been interesting. we werent able to have much success
this week numbers wise. we taught a ton of lessons and a ton of
people, but not very many accepted. we found 8 new families. i´m not
sure if any are going to progress sadly. and then because i´m a
district leader i spent all thursday and friday in the afternoon
interviewing people from other areas for baptism. that was fun. i
seriously love interviewing people for baptism. its the best part of
being a district leader. to be able to hear peoples stories, how
their lives have changed and how they´re sooo excited to be members of
the church. they have testimonies that are pure and such huge desires
to follow christ. it helps me to want to be a better missionary --
being able to hear their testimonies. sadly because i was
interviewing all thursday and friday we werent able to go to our most
important appointments in the night time. one of them being our own
baptism for the week -- j (esposo de e) we had
everything set up for his baptism. and we visited him saturday in the
morning and he said he would be there in the night time. --- but when
we got there in the night and when we had everything up-- he didnt end
up showwing up. he was working and his boss wouldnt let him leave
till 11. it was a real bummer because all the members were already
there in the baptism waiting when we found out that he wasnt going to
we could have just told them all to go home, but instead we decided to
have a testimony meeting about baptism. it worked out really well.
several members gave their conversion stories, and elder jepson and i
sang a special number of parts from be still my soul mixed with
nearer my god to thee. i think all the people who came left edified.
elder jepson and i were still pretty bummed though. we were really
hoping he could be baptized and it would be a complete new family of
members. and then we might be able to go to the temple with them the
next year.
this week my companion and i are really going to focus in finding new
people to teach. and teaching with more power and authority.
this week we had one day that was especially hard. all our
appointments fell through, we couldnt find anyone to teach, and we sat
down to see who we could visit and we realized that we dont have many
investigators that are actually progressing right now. and seriously
we were super depressed. but we sat down and started taking turns
counting our blessings. and they started out super super vague --
like -- we`re alive, or we´re serving a mission. but they started
getting more and more sincere as we realized our gratitude for the
savior and for the book of mormon and the things we´ve been able to
read and learn. and the experience the lord is letting us have right
now. then we decided to share our favorites scriptures and it was
incredible how fast we were filled with strength. the spirit touched
our hearts and we were ready to work again.
i am so greatful for the peace and the comfort that comes through the
companionship of the holy ghost. he really can help us in any moment
and his presence is absolutely necessary in mision work. when he is
the senior companion -- we have so much more success. i feel at
sometimes like i forget that so easily, i just work work work but
forget that if that work is not guided by the spirit and in the way
the savior would do it -- we wont see success. success comes from
working in the way the savior would. with love, and with the spirit.
well family i´m going to cut it short.
-- i think i´ll be recieving your package later in the week at a zone
conference or tomorrow when my companion goes to villahermosa for the
-much love
elder lloyd
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